Understanding Your Consultant Active Status

What is Consultant Active Status?

When a Consultant has placed a minimum of $225 “Wholesale”, which is $450 worth of “Retail” product, they achieve “Active” status.

Wholesale: This is the amount Consultants pay for the product.

Retail: This is the amount you will see listed in the catalog and on the website. The amount we sell the product for.

The active status is put in place to PROTECT and REWARD us as Consultants.

Active Status Rewards

Take advantage of these perks during your active status period:

  •  Eligibility for commissions: Active Consultants qualify to earn commissions and bonuses on the sales generated by their team. These commissions are paid to the Consultant out of the company’s half of the sale, and are NOT taken from their team member’s half of their profit.

  • Access to special promotions: Enjoy exclusive access to product promotions and discounts starting at 50% off products.

  • Recognition and rewards: Active consultants are eligible for recognition programs, awards, and incentives based on their production.

Active status rewards Consultants who are actively building their business, and protects our business by discouraging people from signing up for personal use.

Our start up investment is so affordable, that if there was not an active status in place, everyone could sign up with no risk and have access to the same perks we have as active Consultants. If this was allowed to happen, there would be no reason for anyone to be a customer, making it difficult for active Consultants to build a solid customer base. The active status protects our business and provides us with an unlimited income potential.

Understanding Your Active Status Period

Once an active order has been placed, you will remain active throughout your “Active Period”. Your active period consists of the month your order is placed and the following two months. During this time, you can place any size order and utilize your 50% discount.

If you place an active order in January, your active period will continue through January, February, and March.

Your active period will reset each month you have $225+ in wholesale production.

If you place an active order in January, and then you place another active order in February, your active period will continue through February, March, and April.

During your active period, you can place multiple orders within a single month that total $225+ wholesale. This will also reset your active status period, versus placing a single order of $225+. This can only be done inside of your active period, and cannot be done if you have fallen out of active status.

If you are ever close to reaching $225 in wholesale production, it is always a good idea to add to your order to reach that $225 wholesale and stretch your active period out.

Re-Activating Your Status

What happens if your active period comes to an end?

If you allow your active status to expire, you will enter “Inactive Status”. This means that you will need to place a single order of $225+ to reactivate your active status. You can still place orders less than $225 wholesale, but you will not receive the 50% discount until your cart reaches $450 Retail / $225 wholesale.

You will still remain a Consultant with the company during your inactive status. However, if you go 6 months without placing an active order, you will enter “Terminating Status”. This does not mean you are terminated yet, but you could lose your team members if you have any.

If you go a full 12 months without placing an active order, that is when you will reach “Terminated Status” and your Consultant account with the company will expire. Once this happens, you will need to sign back up as a new Consultant again to start your business back up.

Tracking Your Active Status

Consultants are provided with tools and resources to help you track your active status:

  •  Consultant Dashboard: Log in to your Mary Kay InTouch account to view your current status, order history, and the deadline for your next qualifying order.

  • Email Alerts: You will be sent reminders and notifications to help you stay on top of your active status requirements.

You can find the Status Code Cheat Sheet below.